Legacy Private Client Services Golf Scramble
Come join us Friday, October 25th for the annual North Carolina Wrestling Golf Scramble held at the newly renovated Finley Golf Course on campus.
Golf - $250 per golfer
Foursome - $1000 per foursome
Dates & Times:
October 25th - 10:00 AM Shotgun Start
Finley Golf Course
500 Finley Golf Course Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Sponsorship Opportunities
We need sponsors and registrants to help us sustain and grow wrestling at the North Carolina Wrestling. Sponsorship levels come with additional benefits:
Premier Sponsor | $25,000 - SOLD
Naming rights to North Carolina Wrestling Golf Tournament
Company signage and logo for the entire event
Recognition in the tournament program
Tee hole recognition
8 Tournament entry fees
Platinum Sponsor | $10,000 - 2 SOLD, 1 AVAILABLE
Company signage and logo for the food event
Tee hole recognition
Recognition in the tournament program
4 Tournament entry fees
Gold | Practice Put | $5,000 - SOLD
Company signage and logo at Putting Green
Recognition in the tournament program
4 Tournament entry fees
Gold | Practice Tee Sponsor | $5,000 - SOLD
Company signage and logo at Practice Tee
Recognition in the tournament program
4 Tournament entry fees
Gold | Driving Range Sponsor | $5,000 - SOLD
Company signage and logo at Driving Range
Recognition in the tournament program
4 Tournament entry fees
Gold | Hole in One Sponsor | $5,000 - 1 AVAILABLE
Company signage and logo at Hole in One Hole
4 Tournament entry fees
Recognition in the tournament program
Silver | Cart Sponsor $2,500
Company signage at the Golf Cart Zone and logo inside a cart
Recognition in the tournament program
Bronze | Hole Sponsor and Foursome | $1,500 - 1 SOLD, 17 AVAILABLE
Recognition in the tournament program
Tee Hole recognition
One Foursome
Copper | Hole Sponsor | $1,000 - 2 SOLD, 16 AVAILABLE
Recognition in the tournament program
Tee Hole recognition